How to Get the Most Out of Your People
ORIGINAL CONCEPT / Value Production
Why Rewarding Hard Work Alone Gets You Nowhere Fast
There’s never been a greater need for organizations to get the most out of their people.
We hire top talent, we set aggressive goals, we focus on productivity. But the drive and reward for hard work alone may be the very thing that’s sabotaging our progress.
True workforce effectiveness starts with knowing what your people are actually spending their time on — and if it’s making you better.
Strategy, Organizational Design, Incentive Design
At a Glance
To get the most out of their workforce, organizations must understand: where their employees are spending their effort and what that spent effort means for the success of the company.
Value Production focuses on work that makes a meaningful impact.
Small shifts toward intentional time on Value Production lead to faster high impact gains for organizations.
Visual Summary
Work Effort Can Be Categorized in Four Ways
There are four different types of working effort: Production, Non-Production, Value Production and Non-Value Production. Knowing where your workforce is spending the majority of their time is vital in understanding how much impact and progress you’ll make.
The Goal of Smartwork is to Put More Emphasis on Value Production
There will always be a need for production in a business. The goal of Smartwork is not to eliminate production but to dedicate and incentivize more effort toward Value Production because of its exponentially greater return on impact.
Value Production Scales Better Work to Generate Faster and Further Progress
Value Production makes other work more effective. Most of us are trained to think small shifts in workflows are inconsequential. But small shifts toward more effective strategies or aligned objectives cascade toward huge improvements. A shift from 1% to 2% isn’t just 1% better — it’s 100% better.